
Bug: Files won't send in extension

Opened this issue · 20 comments

RayBB commented


I've noticed this bug for a while now but it's finally gotten to me.
As it stand, if I click the extension icon, click my phone, and hit "send a file to your device." I can pick a file from my file system but it won't send.
However, if I first it the popout window then it will send fine.

Any chance we could fix this? :)

Thanks for the report. What OS are you on?

RayBB commented
RayBB commented

If I right click and inspect on the little browser action page (which makes the page stay open) then the file will send like normal.

I see! Seems like it's something specific to that OS, because on Windows the little page stays open and that probably makes it work.

Does drag and dropping onto the window work for you?

RayBB commented

If I open the poput like this and then drag and drop it works for you.

I can try spinning this up in a Ubuntu VM and see if the issue is there as well?


Yes please! :)

RayBB commented

Okay so it turns out the behavior is actually different in Linux Mint (which I happen to already have a vm of so I used that).

It won't let me send files at all from the extension here's what happens:
I tried looking at the console for any errors/network failures but nothing showed up

join app

Thank you very much for testing it out! What if you force close chrome and then do the drag-and-drop test right away? Maybe something is getting stuck on that first attempt...

RayBB commented

I rebooted the vm, tried the drag and drop on the first time, and same result.

Thanks, but just to clarify, did you try the drag and drop on the popout (not the icon popup)?

RayBB commented

That is correct. The popout not the popup

Thank you. Can you please do this:

  • go into Chrome
  • settings
  • extensions
  • enable developer mode
  • click on join.html
  • go to the console tab
  • send a file through drag and drop
  • see if an error appears in the console


RayBB commented

Ah as it turns out there actually is an error on the Mint VM. Before I even try to pushanything I get this error

Then when I try to send a file I get this:

I ran the "Test" feature in options and everything said it was okay

Thanks again. Does it help if you uninstall and re-install the extension?

RayBB commented

After uninstalling and reinstalling it is working for the popup but not the popout.

Thanks. Can you please let me know if there are any errors when you use the popout?

RayBB commented

My apologies, it works for the popout (when I click the arrow and get a new window) but not the popup (when I click the icon in the tool bar and a little window shows).
When I inspect the popup I don't get any errors and if I send the files with the dev tools opens it sends fine ( I suspect because dev tools forces the popup to stay open). But when dev tools isn't open it won't send.

Oh I see... Thanks, I'll try to figure out what it could be. Thanks for all the testing!

A75G commented

same thing here thought i am the only one, then it happen
what happens to me is after a while using the browser it doesn't send any file only if i restart the browser i check the DIAGNOSTICS when the bug happen and the Join's server fail
if u need any more info about the bug ill try my best to help

Broswer: Vivaldi 2.2.1388.37
Android: 8.0.0
join version 2.0.bf2
Mate 9
OS Build MHA-L29
OS Code 26
Device MHA-L29
Manufacturer HUAWEI

Same issue:

Chrome Version 76.0.3809.132 (Official Build) (64-bit)
Ubuntu 18.04.3 LTS

Sony Xperia X Compact
Android 8.0.0