
Tasker.Settings.1.6.0.apk reports a virus in MS Defender

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Tried to download the APK Tasker.Settings.1.6.0 from here, but chrome deleted it reporting a virus

Firefox could download, but as soon as I tried to ADB it to my tablet it would be removed.
Did a Defender check on it and it reports a virus in the code: Trojan:AndroidOS/Multiverze


Not sure if that's a false alert or not, but thought you should know in case you need to pull that release or re-compile to get around the alert.

Unfortunately I can't control what Anti-virus apps report as viruses, sorry :( All I can say is that the app is open source and you can check the code to see exactly what it does. Sorry!

A re-compile wouldn't help because the code would still be the same and also be flagged as a virus for some reason.

thanks for the suggestion though!

It's not virus.
It is only not verified by official web site.
I have doubled scanned it by many online scan tool. It show no virus.

MS defender only want to show : this app is "grey aera code".

Installation of apps from unknown or unverified download sites