
[BUG] Fix plain report degree name and add title

Opened this issue · 1 comments

The plain report type has an extra space before "STUDY PROGRAM NAME", which makes it not aligned with the following lines.

For example:


I can fix it by adding: \degreenameprefix(plain,en):={Some prefix} on NOVAthesisFiles/Strings/strings-en.ldf.


Nonetheless, I think this should/could be fixed in another way.

My feature request would be to allow us to add a title, just like "Thesis proposal" or "Thesis Plan" document type:


I have tried to add \dissertationplan(plain,en):={Something} on NOVAthesisFiles/Schools/nova/fct/nova-fct-defaults.ldf but it did not work.

In the end, what worked for me was adding, for example:

\degreenameprefix(plain,en):={R\lowercase{eport}\\Doctoral program in}

to NOVAthesisFiles/Strings/strings-en.ldf.

Again this could be fixed in another way.