
[BUG] : Dedicatory not printing

ElectroQuanta opened this issue · 2 comments


I'm using v7.1.27:

  • with xelatex or lualatex
  • on Manjaro (6.6.26)
  • with texlive 2023.66594-20

I'm writing my MSc dissertation (UM-EE) and I can't print the dedicatory.
I've checked the formatting guide for UM and it does not mention a dedicatory.
But it also does not mention a quote, but I can print it.
Is this expected behaviour?

I'm compiling with make lua, but I also tried latexmk -pdflua -shell-escape template.tex


\ntsetup{doctype=msc}       % The type of document
\ntsetup{school=uminho/ee}    % The school id
\ntsetup{docstatus=final}     % The status of the document


% File with the dedicatory text. Will only be considered for final documents,
%   i.e., "bsc", "msc" and "phd", otherwise, it will be silently ignored
%   syntax: \ntaddfile{dedicatory}{filename}


\typeout{NT FILE dedicatory.tex}%


To my parents

Thanks in advance.
Best regards

The dedicatory is explicitly ignored for Univ. Minho.
If you really want to add the dedicatory, add the following to Config/5_packages.tex

  statement;       % The statement page
  copyright;       % (*) The copyright page
  dedicatory;      % (*) Print the dedicatory
  acknowledgements;% (*) Print the acknowledgments
  quote;           % (*) Print the quote
  abstracts;       % Print abstracts in multiple languages.
  alllistof;       % Print all the listof defined in “6_list_of.tex”
  printglossaries; % Print the Glossary, Acronyms, Symbols, etc…


Let me know if it worked for you.

Thanks for the answer.

It did not work, but you already enlightened me.
If it is explicitly ignored, I'll leave it as default :)