
Feature Request: Provide a Facility To Specify Order Of Items Appearing In Menus

mohsenBanan opened this issue · 0 comments

yasnippet menus are dynamic. They are created based on the content of directories. As such, the order in which they appear in the menus is not controlable (or, I don't know how). I am requesting that through specification in a file, the order of presentation of items of each dynamically generated menu be controlled. The order specification file can be elisp based to provide for reg-exps, alphabetic order, touch dates, etc. We could perhaps add place holder for dividers.

At the top level, something similar is applicable. See #1115 :
When you specify a set of dirs in the .yas-parents file, I want to see that order be reflected/preserved in the YASnippet menu.
What is the current order of presentation in the menu now?

This is important because addition of such a feature can turn yasnippet into a better extendable menu-ing system.