
"Ride every tile" functionality

pflavio opened this issue · 2 comments

Hi @joaovitoriasilva

Thanks for the project. Would you consider implementing a tiling functionality similar to or Its basically an OSM map with a worldwide grid overlay of squares. It then shows the cumulated .gpx tracks of all your activities and if you rode through one of the squares, it changes color. The goal is simply to "color in" as many squares as possible.

Thanks for the consideration.

Hi @pflavio thanks for reaching out. I was not aware of this tiling functionality.
To be honest I have a a lot of other features that I want to add first. Currently revamping the frontend to vue instead of PHP. Maybe in the future. If you have the knowledge you can submit a PR to it and I will check it.

+1 for this functionality. It would mean I could stop using Garmin Connect altogether. Currently this is used as source for Squadrats (another Tiling service). I can however image, that this is not trivial to build.