
Orientation estimation using quaternions and the Error State Kalman Filter (ESKF)

Primary LanguagePython


Orientation estimation using quaternions and the Error State Kalman Filter (ESKF). For detailed explanation of the implementation, see quaternion_eskf.pdf.



*scipy is only required for running tests in rotation_utils.py and not needed for main.py

Run the ESKF

python3 main.py <dataset> [--update]

where <dataset> is (1-6, or custom). Adding the --update option will enable the update step.

  • Sensor data will be plotted, and sensor mean and average will be printed. Close window to continue.

  • Quaternion components (true, estimated, error), angular errors and diagonal components of (local/global) covariance will be plotted. The quaternion components will be shown with the update step if the --update option is given. Angular errors is shown with and without the update step if the --update option is given. Close windows to continue.

    quat error covariance
  • A 3D visualization will be displayed, with the estimated and true orientation.
