Mailchimp Integration
joatu opened this issue · 0 comments
joatu commented
- We have users that I'm adding in manually currently, some of whom are already subscribed to our mailing list, some whom are not. We want to have everyone on the appropriate mailchimp list.
- We want several lists (specifically for Verdun for now, but eventually, for everyone) where after we sent off the invitation email, users are placed in a segment (on mailchimp) that says this. If they do not login within X days, they are automatically sent a reminder message every Y days until they login for the first time.
- Once they've logged in, they will receive an email describing in detail how to create an offer or request and be moved into a separate group on mailchimp. If they have not created an offer/request within X days, they are automatically sent a reminder message every Y days until they create at least one offer or request.
Three groups : Not yet invited, invited but not logged in, logged in but no offers/requests yet.
All three groups would be subscribed to a 'super group' on mailchimp which would be the general JoatU mailer (exclusively being sent to Verdun for the time being).
How feasible is all of this? Is there a better tool than mailchimp for this? I'm open to suggestions/discussions on better ways to go about it.