chinese support
wfrules opened this issue · 5 comments
when I tried the demo code(certificate.html) down from the web site(),I found the backend will raise exception when I preview the template with chinese character, and my reportServerUrl is "http://localhost:8000/reportbro/report/run", but if i changed it to "", it works! so i guess, i may download the wrong version of your code? the down address is ""
(Version 1.1.0, Jan 10, 2019)
by the way ,the error message is "tornado.gen.BadYieldError: yielded unknown object '{"errors": []}'"...
You need to make the chinese font available both in the designer and in the lib (it's not included in the download package). Have a look at additional_fonts in the methods documentation:
You need to make the chinese font available both in the designer and in the lib (it's not included in the download package). Have a look at additional_fonts in the methods documentation:
I've already tried this way but it still not working.
my code is like this:
class MainHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler):
def initialize(self, db_connection):
self.db_connection = db_connection
# if using additional fonts then add to this list
self.additional_fonts = [dict(value='Firefly', filename='E:/code/python/report/fonts/fireflysung.ttf')]
is there anything wrong?could you please give me some example?thks~
btw, I download the ttf file from your website :
Documentation says that the configuration of additional fonts has to be done both in reportbro-designer and reportbro-lib. Values have to match.