
soft_skel function memory issue

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Hello, I apply soft-cldice loss to a segmentation network with Cityscapes as an input (2048x1024x3).
For 16 batch size, the network is trained well with other losses like cross-entropy.
However, I've met "CUDA out of memory" when I use the soft-cldice loss with the smaller batch size. (even for 1 or 2 batch size)
I use pytorch and the NVIDIA 1080TI with 12GB memory.

I've traced the memory allocation of my graphic card with command "watch -n 1 nvidia-smi", so I found out the issue occurs on "for loop in the soft_skel" function.

def soft_skel(img, iter_):

How can I solve this problem?

unfortunately the skeletonization is a sequential operation, and increases the memory. FOr your example you may be able to do one of the following things:

  1. decrease the iterations of the soft-skeletonization. Most likely your roads are rather "thin" pixelwise. As a rule of thumb you want roughly as many iterations as the radius of your thickest road.

  2. use smaller patches. You could train your model on smaller ROI's of the image, like (192x192) which are randomly sampled.

  3. may not be practical, but use a larger GPU.

Also a combination of these may solve the problem optimally.