These are the applications used for teaching the "Hands On" course at the XML Summer School 2012.
The source repository now lives here on GitHub.
The application runs on eXist-db 2.0 and is provided as a database backup. To install eXist-db visit
The Printer application is written in Scala and requires you to have Maven installed to compile and run the application. Maven can be installed by visiting
These are the instructions for installing the training Web Application, Printer Application and class room tools into an Oracle VirtialBox Virtual Machine with Ubuntu Linux for the XML Summer School
If you have a Ubuntu Linux machine then you may ignore the Virtual Box pre-requisite install steps.
Author: Adam Retter Licence: Apache License Version 2.0
Oracle/Sun Virtual Box >= 4.1.0 available from -
Ubuntu Linux 10.04 LTS Desktop Install CD (32 bit or 64 bit) available from -
Install the VirtualBox software for your Operating System.
Install a Ubuntu Virtual Machine into Virtual Box
Install the VBox Guest Additions into Virtual Box When prompted choose the username 'xmlss' for the default user and the password 'xmlss'.
NOTE - Exact instructions for the above have not been detailed, as they can easily be found via Google.
The training applications for the XMLSS require Subversion client, Sun JDK 6, Maven 3, Scala 2.9 and MySQL Server 5.1 to be installed first.
- Enable the lucid patner package repository, by uncommenting the line from /etc/apt/sources.list e.g.
sudo vi /etc/apt/sources.list
deb lucid partner
- Install Subversion, MySQL Server 5.1 and Sun JDK 6 packages
sudo apt-get install subversion mysql-server sun-java-6-jdk sun-java-6-source sun-java-6-fonts sun-java-6-plugin
When prompted set the mysql root password as 'root'
- Set the JAVA_HOME environment variable. Append the following line to the file /home/xmlss/.profile
export JAVA_HOME="/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun"
Download and install Maven 3.0.3 from wget tar zxvf apache-maven-3.0.3-bin.tar.gz sudo mv apache-maven-3.0.3 /usr/local sudo ln -s /usr/local/apache-maven-3.0.3 /usr/local/maven
Download and install Scala 2.9.1 from wget sudo java -jar ./
When prompted, choose /usr/local/scala as the installation path.
- Add Maven and Scala to your PATH environment variable. Append the following line to /home/xmlss/.profile
- Checkout eXist-db trunk from SourceForge Subversion e.g.
sudo svn co /usr/local/eXist sudo chown -R xmlss:xmlss /usr/local/eXist
- Set an Environment Variable EXIST_HOME that points to the location where you just checked out eXist-db. Append the following line to /home/xmlss/.profile, and also execute the same line at the command prompt.
export EXIST_HOME="/usr/local/eXist"
- Enable the xslfo module in $EXIST_HOME/extensions/ e.g.
include.module.xslfo = true
Build the eXist-db source code cd $EXIST_HOME ./
Uncomment the xslfo XQuery extension module in $EXIST_HOME/conf.xml e.g.
- Uncomment datetime XQuery extension module in $EXIST_HOME/conf.xml e.g.
- Checkout the eXist-db database backup of the web application from SourceForge Subversion e.g.
sudo svn co /usr/local/seewhatithink sudo chown -R xmlss:xmlss /usr/local/seewhatithink
- Startup the eXist-db database e.g.
cd $EXIST_HOME bin/
- Restore the database backup from Step (8) e.g.
cd $EXIST_HOME bin/ -u admin -r ../seewhatithink/applications/
Shutdown the eXist-db database cd $EXIST_HOME bin/
Startup the eXist-db database cd $EXIST_HOME bin/
*** You can now visit the web application at http://localhost:8080/exist/apps/xmlss/
Create the MySQL database for the Printer web application - cd /usr/local/seewhatithink/applications/Printer-database mysql -u root -p < create-database.sql
Load the MySQL database schema for the Printer web application - cd /usr/local/seewhatithink/applications/Printer-database mysql -u root -p -f xmlss_printer < printer-mysql.sql
Build the Printer web application cd /usr/local/seewhatithink/applications/Printer mvn install
Run the Printer web application cd /usr/local/seewhatithink/applications/Printer ./
*** You can now visit the Printer web application at http://localhost:9090/
- Download and Install NetBeans 7.0 Java EE edition from
sudo ./ De-select Glassfish, Select Tomcat Install to /usr/local
Download the ubuntu package for MySQL Workbench from the MySQL web site sudo apt-get install libctemplate0 libzip1 python-pysqlite2 mysql-client python-crypto python-paramiko liblua5.1-0 sudo dpkg -i mysql-workbench-gpl-5.2.27-1ubu1004-i386.deb
Download and Install Aqua Datastudio from Studio - LINUX (x86 - 32bit) (build: 9.0.15)
tar zxvf ads-linux-x86-9.0.15.tar.gz sudo mv datastudio /usr/local Add Item to Applications->Programming Menu
- Download and Install oXygen 12 from
chmod +x sudo ./ Install to /usr/local/Oxygen XML Editor 12 Add Item to Applications->Programming Menu
- Download and Install Protege 4.1 from
chmod +x install_protege_4.1rc4.bin sudo ./install_protege_4.1rc4.bin Install to /usr/local/Protege_4.1_rc4 Add Item to Applications->Programming Menu
- Download and Install Google Chrome from Choose the .deb package for either the 32bit or 64bit version of Ubuntu that you previously installed.
sudo dpkg -i google-chrome-stable_current_i386.deb
- Cosmetics -
- Add Shortcuts to the desktop for eXist-db Server, eXist-db Client and Printer Webapp
- Add Shortcuts to the desktop for the two webapps
TODO - Install oXygen licence and Aqua DataStudio licence Add eXist-db to Server Browser in oXygen Add MySQL to Server Browser in Aqua DataStudio
If you find that your Virtual Machine hard disk file has become rather large on your Host machine, then you can attempt to compact the .vdi file
In the guest Ubuntu Virtual Machine -
sudo apt-get install zerofree sudo apt-get clean restart
At startup choose Recovery Mode, and then at the Menu first choose "Clean".
Restart the VM with the Boot CD in the virtual cd, choose 'Try Ubuntu without Installing'
sudo mkdir /mnt/sda1 sudo mount -n -o ro -t ext4 /dev/sda1 /mnt/sda1 sudo /mnt/sda1/usr/sbin/zerofree /dev/sda1
Shutdown the Guest when done and remove the media from the virtual cd drive.
On the host you now need to compact the VDI file - e.g. - $ VBoxManage modifyhd XMLSS11-Test-VM-64bit.vdi --compact