
Visual Studio Development Servers removed in VS2013

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With Visual Studio Development Servers being removed in VS2013 is there any plans to make this work with IIS express?

I live in the past (VS 2010 day-to-day still!) and haven't used IIS express, but it was my understanding that you can host to external addresses with it. If that's true then you don't need to proxy anything at all. Can you confirm?

I've tried following various instructions on the web to access my dev server over wifi but I cant get anything to work. SharpProxy simply just works a charm for me up to VS2012

I bet there is a simple host-header or site binding issue with IIS Express... I will try to look into it sometime.

I added new options today that support IIS Express host headers. They will be rewritten to localhost:port for any incoming requests. Enjoy!

Excellent, Thank you !