pcre-mode bug, it not worked well with (isearch-yank-word)
Opened this issue · 5 comments
zw963 commented
pcre-mode is awesome. But, it broken my isearch function in some case.
I often to search a string with C-s, and then press a hotkey `(isearch-yank-word)
to select word after point as search content, e.g.
- I want to search all string "${argv[@]}" in current buffer.
- move point before $.
- C-s to start isearch
- M-l (this is a keybinding) try to select
- error message: [Bad brace expression ${argv]
zw963 commented
The same bug happen when isearch following string:
(point is before the first | )
zw963 commented
following string ...
(point is before the first ()
joddie commented
Thank you for the report. I'm traveling right now so I'll take a look at it when I'm back home in a couple of weeks.