
Consider publishing a custom container for `ntm-profiler`

Closed this issue ยท 3 comments

Hi dear @jodyphelan ,

Thanks for your efforts on this tool - we're looking forward to accommodating this functionality! ๐ŸŽ‰

At the moment, I am trying to integrate ntm-profiler into the MAGMA pipeline and came across a couple of issues with the associated biocontainer i.e., which are blockers for us. Therefore, would it be possible for you to publish containers directly on Github which can perhaps side-step these issues and provide an "official" version of container

The issues are mentioned below:

  1. The container does not have zip installed, therefore I cannot do ntm-profiler update_db --commit 002fec58b78cd5bfbefd1106a1ac26777147ec6b

  2. The container does not have apt-get setup, so we cannot install the zip command, leading to point-1.

sh-5.0# ntm-profiler update_db --commit 002fec58b78cd5bfbefd1106a1ac26777147ec6b
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/bin/ntm-profiler", line 390, in <module>
  File "/usr/local/bin/ntm-profiler", line 202, in main_update_db
    pp.run_cmd("zip -F species/ --out species/")
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pathogenprofiler/", line 385, in run_cmd
    raise ValueError("Cant find programs: %s\n" % (", ".join(missing)))
ValueError: Cant find programs: zip

Cleaning up after failed run
[16:20:46] ERROR                                                                                        ntm-profiler:55
################################# ERROR #######################################                    
                    This run has failed. Please check all arguments and make sure all input files                      
                    exist. If no solution is found, please open up an issue at                                         
           and paste or attach the                      
                    contents of the error log (5033cc43-ff6e-475d-9dd3-980a00cb503c.errlog.txt)                        


CC @TimHHH @vrennie @mdediegofuertes

Hi @abhi18av

In the next release of ntm-profiler this dependancy will be removed. Thanks for letting me know about the container registry will definitely look at this.

Hi @jodyphelan ,

I tested with the latest biocontainer associated with 0.4.0 but the container fails - any ideas?

Happy to connect and help create "official" Github repo based containers for both tb-profiler and ntm-profiler which might offer an easier pathway for users of containers?

+  p$ docker pull
0.4.0--pyhdfd78af_0: Pulling from biocontainers/ntm-profiler
ca7680d1025d: Already exists
bd9ddc54bea9: Already exists
2903feb65aa7: Extracting [==================================================>]   1.01GB/1.01GB
failed to register layer: write /usr/local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pysam/ no space left on device

Hi @jodyphelan ,

Never mind this comment #35 (comment) , I have been able to build a custom container directly from the new upstream biocontainer TORCH-Consortium/MAGMA@907ac5f

The problem was with my docker cache and once I did docker system prune -a and retried the process, everything worked.

I'm closing this issue as the existing biocontainer ntm-profiler v0.4.0 works as expected โœ