
BetterDiscord plug-ins not working due to recent changes

bakzkndd opened this issue · 8 comments

BDFDB switched from remote to local as of recently due to security concerns. This has broken some of the betterdiscord plug-ins.


On BetterDiscord it would show the following:
But this doesn't work on EnhancedDiscord

Not surprising, as a lot of plugins look in only specific locations for some stuff, that'd only be true if you were on BandagedBD.

For now I suggest, re-downloading all the DevilBro plugins you were using, and fetch his local library plugin, and place them all in your plugins folder. Afterwards quit out of Discord and re-open it.
You should then be able to use their plugins again.

Be sure you either delete or overwrite the old versions of his plugins, otherwise you'll get that alert again.

If that doesn't work, make sure ED is updated, failing that, if you are having issues using/loading BBD plugins, report the bug if it hasn't already so contributors and collaborators are aware, and might fix it.

Be sure you either delete or overwrite the old versions of his plugins, otherwise you'll get that alert again.

I've just done this, and now all the BD plugins are working again.

@joe27g This issue can be closed, as the problem they described, not only did it have nothing to do w/ the title, but the issue it actually was, is resolved.

  • ED updated, plugin updated
  • BD plugins is enabled
  • only one BD plugin is included besides the standard plugins
  • plugin works in BD


Update ED, looks to be caused by an issue that was fixed yesterday, @userXinos

Make sure to restart Discord after updating, not reloading w/ something like CTRL + R