
Creating Multiple Orders

austenc opened this issue · 5 comments

Hey there, firstly, thanks for making this, it's been very useful to me so far!

I have been trying to get the "Create / Update Multiple Orders" endpoint working and can't seem to figure it out... I'm close... but apparently something is still formatted incorrectly? I was hoping you might have an idea of what else I could try, or show me an example of using that endpoint correctly?

Here's a snippet of what I was trying:

        // An array to keep our orders to be sent
        $toSend = [];

        foreach ($orders as $o) {
            // Build items array
            $items = [];
            foreach ($o->items as $item) {
                $i              = new OrderItem();
                $i->lineItemKey = $item->id;
                $i->name        = $item->title;
                $i->quantity    = $item->quantity;
                $i->sku         = $item->sku;  
                $items[]        = $i;          

            // Shipping Address
            $shipTo = new Address();
            $shipTo->name       = $o->ship_name;
            $shipTo->company    = $o->ship_company;
            $shipTo->street1    = $o->ship_street;
            $shipTo->street2    = $o->ship_street2;
            $shipTo->city       = $o->ship_city;
            $shipTo->state      = $o->ship_statecode;
            $shipTo->postalCode = $o->ship_zip;
            $shipTo->country    = $o->ship_countrycode;
            $shipTo->phone      = $o->ship_phone;        

            // Billing Address
            $billTo = new Address();
            $billTo->name       = $o->bill_name;
            $billTo->company    = $o->bill_company;
            $billTo->street1    = $o->bill_street;
            $billTo->street2    = $o->bill_street2;
            $billTo->city       = $o->bill_city;
            $billTo->state      = $o->bill_statecode;
            $billTo->postalCode = $o->bill_zip;
            $billTo->country    = $o->bill_countrycode;
            $billTo->phone      = $o->bill_phone;   

            $new = new Order();
            $new->orderNumber = $o->orderId;
            $new->orderDate   = $o->order_date;
            $new->orderStatus = 'awaiting_shipment';
            $new->billTo      = $billTo; 
            $new->shipTo      = $shipTo;
            $new->items       = $items;

            $toSend[] = $new;

        $response = $this->ss->orders->post($toSend, 'createorders');


I've verified that if I use the single (createorder) endpoint, it works fine. Here's the error I'm getting when I use the multiple order endpoint with the above code:

  Server error: `POST` resulted in a `500 Internal Server Error` response:
  {"Message":"An error has occurred.","ExceptionMessage":"orders are required","ExceptionType":"System.ArgumentException", (truncated...)

The orders are required error is what I get no matter how I try to format the main array, so thanks in advance if you have any ideas as to what to try!

Thanks @joecampo

No problem @austenc also - make sure you specify the unitPrice property for the OrderItem model (as it's required by ShipStation).

@joecampo I face the exact same issues. I see it is resolved but, couldn't find the solution could you help me on this.
Thanks a Bunch

Hey MHK - Are you use the latest version 3.1.1?

Hey joe,

Thanks a ton , I could resolve the issue