
JSHint Loader throwing an 'Unexpected end of JSON input' error on each Javascript file

Closed this issue · 6 comments

I have gotten as far as the Using Preloaders section in Basic Builds.

All going well until I add the preloader, at which point I see this:

webpack: bundle is now INVALID.
Hash: 1a3b5df408ee41c691bc
Version: webpack 1.14.0
Time: 5ms
chunk {0} bundle.js (main) 40 bytes
+ 1 hidden modules

ERROR in ./app.js
Module build failed: SyntaxError: Unexpected end of JSON input
at Object.parse (native)
at C:\Users\john\Desktop\Webpack\node_modules\jshint-loader\index.js:46:22
at tryToString (fs.js:455:3)
at FSReqWrap.readFileAfterClose [as oncomplete] (fs.js:442:12)
@ multi main

ERROR in ./utils.js
Module build failed: SyntaxError: Unexpected end of JSON input
at Object.parse (native)
at C:\Users\john\Desktop\Webpack\node_modules\jshint-loader\index.js:46:22
at tryToString (fs.js:455:3)
at FSReqWrap.readFileAfterClose [as oncomplete] (fs.js:442:12)
@ multi main

Utils.js literally looks like this:

console.log('utils loaded!');

App.js looks like this:



My webpack.config.js file looks like so:

module.exports = {
    entry: ["./utils","./app.js"],
    output: {
        filename: "bundle.js"
    module: {
        preLoaders: [
                test: /\.js$/,
                exclude: 'node_modules',
                loader: 'jshint-loader'
        loaders: [
                test: /\.es6$/,
                exclude: /node_modules/,
                loader: "babel-loader"
    resolve: {
        extensions: ['', '.js', '.es6']
    watch: true

package.json looks like this, and I have run npm install sucessfully:

  "name": "learning-webpack",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "description": "",
  "main": "app.js",
  "scripts": {
    "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"
  "author": "",
  "license": "ISC",
  "devDependencies": {
    "babel-core": "^6.21.0",
    "babel-loader": "^6.2.10",
    "babel-preset-es2015": "^6.18.0",
    "jshint": "^2.9.4",
    "jshint-loader": "^0.8.3",
    "node-libs-browser": "^2.0.0",
    "webpack": "^1.14.0"

If I remove the preloaders section, everything is fine.

I don't think I'm missing anything, but maybe I am? I am on Windows 10 Professional.


I have the exact same issue, I hope Joe gets to look into this asap.

Hey bumblebeeman

I hope this is useful to you, I tried implementing it but I am still getting:

"Unexpected end of JSON input"

error for both app.js and utils.js.


I also tried this but still no luck:

this is the content of my webpack.config.js:

module.exports = {
entry: ["./utils", "./app.js"],
output: {
filename: "bundle.js"
watch: true,
module: {
rules: [
test: /.es6$/, //tests what kind of files to run/use through this loader
exclude: /node_modules/, //here we specify which files to exclude
loader: "babel-loader", //here we specifiy which loader we will user, from the package.json file
options: {
presets: ['es2015']
test: /.js$/, //tests what kind of files to run/use through this loader
exclude: /node_modules/, //here we specify which files to exclude
loader: "jshint-loader", //here we specifiy which loader we will user, from the package.json file
enforce: 'pre'
resolve: {
extensions: ['.js', '.es6']
}//here we specify which files we want to process without specifically giving them a file extension, by default
//webpack will assume all files not having an extension are js files, but here we tell webpack if it comes accross a file with no extensions also try these as well.

I highly recommend this course:

At least it is up to date and the instructor actualy cares.


It looks like the problem is actually with jshint-loader, not webpack itself. It's throwing a fit if .jshintrc is empty.

Putting an empty set of curly braces in .jshintrc fixed the problem for me.

Thanks for discovering this fix. I'll close the issue now.