
Options to disable and/or for ‘on demand’ Guru and Autocomplete?

eboCode opened this issue · 0 comments

I'm wondering if there could be options for disabling or having 'on demand' Guru and Autocomplete features? Or both of those options. I rarely use either of these features in Atom — mainly because they're more often distracting me somewhat from what I'm really thinking about or doing. And also because I don't want to constantly think about which direction to move my mouse or if I can hit the spacebar to keep them from covering up the code I'm trying to look at. The Guru pop-up for the 'fmt' package, for example, covers most of an example scrap file window I'm using right now (see screenshot just below).


If it's not obvious what I mean by 'on demand,' it would be the ability to toggle them on and off as you need them, probably with a keyboard shortcut, or possibly even some kind of Atom UI hotspot.

I could have missed something, but don't see those kind of options now. Under Settings for the package, there's a checkbox under the heading Guru labeled: "Highlight Identifiers When Cursor Moves". I've unchecked that and restarted Atom, but don't see any difference in the types of pop-ups. I already have Autocomplete disabled, since by choice I didn't install its supporting package. For me it might be nice to have Autocomplete 'on demand,' with a key toggle for that, but I don't see any visible support in Settings for it.