
ganbreeder provides similar function like artbreeder?

Opened this issue · 4 comments

The artbreeder provides perfect result for face morphing.
I have hundreds of image pairs, and looking for 'local' solution for do it.
Can I install ganbreeder and morph three images (portraits) just like artbreeder?

yosun commented

Curious about this too. Would be neat to see Artbreeder have an API otherwise, or some (premium?) way to have faster image generation

I have the same question,Is it all the same as artbreeder?

The url of this repo does redirect to the artbreeder website...

From my quick research on this question
Technically yes they are the same thing but in practice no they aren't.

"Artbreeder, formerly known as Ganbreeder. is a collaborative, machine learning-based art website. Using the models StyleGAN and BigGAN." Source (found this on Wikipedia).
When you go looking at that page you will see why they renamed the project, they added a whole bunch of reference model libraries. (note that the only Model included with GanBreeder is the BigGAN library which in all honesty is kind of crap)

Before those libraries were added the system was a chaotic mess that generated images half haphazardly and randomly. see and

if you want to use GanBreeder as you would Artbreeder you'll have to get ahold of those libraries. As it stands right now your best option is probably just to pay for the premium version of Artbreeder or stick with the limits of the free version.

You could also go looking through the forks list of GanBreeder and see if any of them come with a better Model Library.

If my assessment is wrong please correct me but this is my understanding of this problem.