
RefreshToken for Google is not working

wassim opened this issue · 3 comments


Breeze – React with Inertia

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Problem description

I'm getting an error while retrieving a token with Google as provider $user->getTokenFor('google')


Declaration of JoelButcher\Socialstream\Concerns\RefreshesOAuth2Tokens::refreshToken(JoelButcher\Socialstream\ConnectedAccount $connectedAccount): JoelButcher\Socialstream\RefreshedCredentials must be compatible with Laravel\Socialite\Two\GoogleProvider::refreshToken($refreshToken)

Expected behavior

Successfully retrieve a user token with Google as provider

Steps to reproduce

$user = User::first();

Reproduction repository

Relevant log output

No response

Hey @wassim! We're sorry to hear that you've hit this issue. 💙

However, it looks like you forgot to fill in the reproduction repository URL. Can you edit your original post and then we'll look at your issue?

We need a public GitHub repository which contains a Laravel app with the minimal amount of Socialstream code to reproduce the problem. Please do not link to your actual project, what we need instead is a minimal reproduction in a fresh project without any unnecessary code. This means it doesn't matter if your real project is private / confidential, since we want a link to a separate, isolated reproduction. That would allow us to download it and review your bug much easier, so it can be fixed quicker. Please make sure to include a database seeder with everything we need to set the app up quickly.

Thank you for providing reproduction steps! Reopening the issue now.

Hey @wassim thanks for reporting your issue, however I can see that you've not provided a valid reproduction repository URL.

Unfortunately, I don't have time to build out a new project for each bug report.

Please provide a valid reproduction repository URL with steps required to reproduce that error. If possible, please provide a staging, or live testing environment with debug enabled so so can see a stack trace of the exact error you're getting in your APM / logs.
