curl_getinfo(): supplied resource is not a valid cURL handle resource
markbell2410 opened this issue · 3 comments
markbell2410 commented
In OneBroker.php line 148:
curl_getinfo(): supplied resource is not a valid cURL handle resource
Has anyone else had this error?
rxmg-joeldg commented
1broker is migrating to a new service, you can't trade btc there now so I am really not wanting to update them and will leave that for ccxt to manage.
Dream-in-Color commented
I'm also seeing this error when running example_usage. Can anyone recommend a work-around?
Webist commented
Code at the following location closes curl early.
Line 142 in 2c23430
Fix should be like this
Old code
$response = curl_exec($curl);
if ($response === false) {
$error = curl_errno($curl);
$message = curl_error($curl);
$statusCode = curl_getinfo($curl, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);
if($statusCode != 200) {
error_log('STATUS CODE', $statusCode . ' ' . $response);
$body = json_decode($response, 1);
if ($body['error'] === true) {
throw new \RuntimeException(
sprintf('OneBroker API returned an error - %d: %s', $body['error_code'], $body['error_message'])
return array( "statusCode" => $statusCode, "body" => $body);
New code
$response = curl_exec($curl);
$responseInfo = curl_getinfo($curl);
// url not reachable
if($responseInfo['http_code'] == 0 && $responseInfo['header_size'] == 0){
return $responseInfo;
// json_decode gives null when not json
if(null === $output = json_decode($response, true)){
return $response;
return $output;