
add-on: integration of Device Troubleshoot

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The purpose of this ticket is to integrate Device Troubleshoot API.
Particularly the ability to have a remote terminal on the device from the mender server should be demonstrated. This can be done using mender-stm32l4a6-zephyr-example to access the Zephyr console.

Tasks includes:

  • integration of the Device Connect API
  • integration of websocket API by renaming platform "http" directory to "net"
  • creation of the troubleshoot add-on (will be optional based on build configuration)
  • update of examples to show the usage of the Device TroubleShoot API
  • update of the documentation

The build of the Device Troubleshoot add-on the MCU must provides:

  • option to include the add-on

The API of the Device Troubleshoot add-on the MCU must provides:

  • function to connect/disconnect the Troubleshoot add-on to the mender server
  • callback function when data are received from the end user and API to print data on the terminal
  • callback function to be informed of the shell status (connection and disconnection of the end user)
