
Problem flashing C.H.I.P. pro

Closed this issue · 6 comments

Hi, I am trying to use your meta layer in order to build a chip pro release...
When I try to flash my image to the board (dev kit 1.0) I have the following error:

== preparing images ==
0+1 records in
1+0 records out
4194304 bytes (4,2 MB, 4,0 MiB) copied, 0,00673643 s, 623 MB/s
0+0 records in
0+0 records out
0 bytes copied, 0,000147694 s, 0,0 kB/s
echo Configuring Video Mode
Image Name: flash CHIP
Created: Wed Mar 29 17:45:27 2017
Image Type: ARM Linux Script (uncompressed)
Data Size: 1022 Bytes = 1.00 kB = 0.00 MB
Load Address: 00000000
Entry Point: 00000000
Image 0: 1014 Bytes = 0.99 kB = 0.00 MB
== upload the SPL to SRAM and execute it ==
waiting for fel.............OK
== upload spl ==
== upload u-boot ==
== upload u-boot script ==
== upload ubi ==
100% [============================================================]
== execute the main u-boot binary ==
== write ubi ==
ERROR: could not flash:

Any help will be appreciated.

Hi @JubaHub
Thanks for this report, I ave just received my CHIP pro dev kit, but not yet tried to load it.
I will try to check this issue soon, but if you find any solution before, thanks for sharing :-)

Support of C.H.I.P. PRO finally added after few months not available to work on this subject :-) The examples of my meta layer have also been updated and all are working with both C.H.I.P. and C.H.I.P. PRO boards.
All have been reworked: u-boot, kernel, etc.
Important note: my chip tools have also been completely reworked:

@junahub, you can test it, if not too late for you of course :-)

Closing the issue.

Hi, unfortunately I am not using the CHI Pro right now.
I hope to start working again on that but not in the next month.

I worked with @texierp on this layer .
It could be a good comparison point.

Thank you for your effort,

I have tried texiep meta-layer too, but not successfully build here.
However, in any case, we have not the same philosophy, that's good to see different solutions :-)

Hi @myfreescalewebpage,

Thanks for your feeback :)
Which branch did you test for your build ?



PS: great job for your layers ;)

Hi @texierp
Used repo as described in your readme so branches selected by the default.xml file.
What is the distro used on your host ?
Thanks, what was motivating is the $!!$/*$** scripts and setup provided by NTC to load the boards. I prefer not to "hide" this kind of parts to the developers, I think they must be clear (a reason for which I'm not using repo also!)
I'm currently working on the integration of xenomai based on my layer :-) A little bit hard because nobody seems to have port xenomai on kernel 4.4 on this arch....