
https://github.com/perwendel/spark app example buit by gralde running in alpine linux on docker

Primary LanguageJava


https://github.com/perwendel/spark app example buit by gralde running in alpine linux on docker

Steps to launch this in your local computer:

  1. In Windows, Mac or Linux install git, Java8, docker add them to your PATH
  2. In Windows or Mac install docker-machine
  3. In Windows or Mac run docker-machine create --driver virtualbox default
  4. In Windows or Mac run docker-machine env
  5. Pull this repo and change java code and tests
  6. Run following to launch the docker container:
gradlew build
docker-machine start default
docker-compose up

You will see something like following result:

Creating java_spark_1
Attaching to java_spark_1
spark_1  | hello world! today is 2017-02-15

To see how it's running in Windows:

FOR /f "tokens=*" %i IN ('docker-machine ip') DO curl %i:4567/hello

This results like:

Hello World! today is 2016-04-09