
spreadsheet to json

Opened this issue · 3 comments

Is it possible to convert to json data ?.
if not ,I need to get all row values of sheet. how to get that ?please help

Yes. This demo is focusing on how to extract data from Excel to text format.

You can convert the text to JSON. For examples, you may want to look at SwiftyJSON and Alamofire.

If you are doing work for a company project, or want to pay for me to write what you need, please let me know and I can provide a cost/time estimate for you.

Thank you!

good day,
Thanks for the reply. i got all cell values from the sheet but i dont know how to get all values based on a row. so that i can loop it and save to a object there any direct method from worksheet property ?.

Yes. You can use BRARow and rows.cells. See the excellent Objective C code in this repo, and in particular this file, and the BRARow example: