
Parse Version gives incorrect SemVer result

Closed this issue · 2 comments


Shouldn't SemVer also be 1.2.3?

Ah! This is a confusing bit of wording on my part. I'll leave this issue open so I can improve this wording later.

What this line means is that the version string 1.2.3 adheres to SemVer 1.0.0 specification. NuGet also understands SemVer 2.0.0 version strings so this is meant to point out which SemVer specification NuGet thinks the version number is adhering to.

As an aside, note that there are some version strings that NuGet supports that are not adhering to the SemVer 1.0.0 or 2.0.0 specification. For example, consider

I've clarified the message text. Let me know if you run into anything else!