
clone and run doesn't work

Closed this issue · 4 comments

zivkan commented

The repo readme doesn't have instructions for getting started, so I tried cloning the repo, opened the sln and pressed F5. When my browser opens, I get this error message:

ArgumentNullException: String reference not set to an instance of a String.
Parameter name: s
System.DateTimeParse.Parse(string s, DateTimeFormatInfo dtfi, DateTimeStyles styles, out TimeSpan offset)

Here's a screenshot of some more info:

I think you need to run build.ps1 to initialize some stuff. Give that a try. I don't remember since it's been a long time since I've worked on this project any more than deploying new versions of NuGet client SDK.

zivkan commented

After a while I noticed the build.ps1. I still haven't run it, but I also see the Build app which seems to modify the assembly attributes of an already compiled dll. I haven't tried running build.ps1, but I'd assume that even if I did, building in VS will recreate the assembly without the attribute, so will fail again. So, I'm not sure how this app is supposed to be debuggable.

Anyway #22 looks like it fixes it.

At this point the main purpose of build.ps1 is to download additional versions of NuGet packages for runtime loading. It does a lot more that can be gutted in light of #22 and some additional effort.

The repo is cleaned up a bit now. Clone and run should work. You still need to run build.ps1 to get additional, legacy package versions.