
plugin_load_file: The global flag is not supported, libtool 2 is required for this.

Closed this issue · 2 comments

I'm running Centos5 with a source build of collectd 5 but I'm still running into the error related to libtool 2. I've tried building with the options specified in the readme and I've also tried adding to my LD_PRELOAD but I still get the warning in my log files. Can you point me in the right direction?

Sep 14 10:41:35 adq00 collectd[9132]: plugin_load_file: The global flag is not supported, libtool 2 is required for this.
Sep 14 10:41:35 adq00 collectd[9133]: Initialization complete, entering read-loop.


this module is written in perl, are you sure you didn't mean to post this to the collectd-carbon project which is a python plugin?

I added a section to the README that addresses this situation, it's an issue with the collectd 4.10.3 rpm in the EPEL5 repo. A workaround is available using LD_PRELOAD. Please check the new version of the README for more info.