
Confusing Message for listCompleted

Opened this issue · 1 comments



The message "Listing all prescriptions that were completed." is confusing because it gives the user the impression that the process is still ongoing, while in reality, it has already been completed. There exists other instances in the application where the past tense is used.
A better message could be to use the past tense, i.e. "Listed all prescriptions that were completed."

Team's Response

Not in scope.

As stated in the course website, "a grammar bug can be marked as response.NotInScope if it doesn't hinder the reader."

This seems to fit this criteria, as it is more of a grammar bug. Whether it is listing or listed, it should not hinder the reader, as the reader can easily just start scrolling to see their prescriptions. In addition, the user should be able to see that the end dates in the list are all already in the past, thus indicating that the list has been loaded.

Items for the Tester to Verify

❓ Issue response

Team chose [response.NotInScope]

  • I disagree

Reason for disagreement: This bug is in scope because not only it is a grammar bug, it affects the user as they will read the response message before they read the list. The list is not guaranteed to change after entering this command, and since there are no other UI changes such as a progress bar to indicate that the completed prescriptions are indeed listed, it is highly possible to cause a significant proportion of users, especially beginners, to be confused as of whether the completed prescriptions are indeed listed, thus hindering their experience. Therefore, this is a feature flaw with at least a VeryLow severity.