
Request for a new maintainer

Closed this issue · 1 comments

I wrote the Stupid Table almost 5 years ago because, at the time, I couldn't find a jquery table plugin that wasn't a cumbersome monolith. stupidtable.js in the initial commit was 99 LOC. ~160 commits later, the plugin has only increased to 141 LOC. I believe this metric is an accomplishment in sticking to the principles of keeping the plugin as basic as possible.

As you can see from the backlog of Issues / Pull Requests (some as old as 4 years), I don't give this project the attention it deserves. As my focus has switched from front end to devops, I no longer particularly enjoy maintaining the codebase. Additionally, the backlog of issues/prs has given me some anxiety that makes me feel guilty for contributing to other open source projects. Looking at the issue log invokes the same dread as looking at a sink full of dirty dishes. I have a hard enough time feeling motivated enough to do actual dishes, and I don't want my hobby project to feel like work.

I would like to give someone else in the community the chance to take over the project. My only request is that they adhere to the spirit of the project and keep it "stupid simple". People will throw feature recommendations at you, or they will show you how they modified their code to do something specific to their needs. Projects like tablesorter and datatables have solved those problems already. The whole point of this plugin is that its code and functionality are so simple that you can modify it yourself to do what you need it to do. The plugin shouldn't try to account for all these tiny scenarios.

If anyone is willing and able to take the project over, send me an email.

Thank you for your support over the past few years.

I think I've got a handle on it now. Kids make open source extra challenging ;)