
caught AssertionError: Please raise an issue at and let me know how you caused this error!

erez-marmor opened this issue · 12 comments

version: 4.1.1
I've been able to write a pytest scenario reproducing the error:

app code:

#!/usr/bin/env python3
from typing import Callable

from fastapi import FastAPI
from pyinstrument import Profiler
from starlette.requests import Request
from starlette.responses import Response

class ProfilingMiddleware:
    """ middleware that profiles request """

    def __init__(self, profiler_interval: float = 0.0001, ):
        self._profiler = Profiler(interval=profiler_interval)

    async def __call__(self, request: Request, call_next: Callable) -> Response:
        """ profile request """
            response = await call_next(request)
            output = self._profiler.output_text(color=True)
        return response

def create_app() -> FastAPI:
    """ application factory """
    app = FastAPI()'/')
    def endpoint():
        """ endpoint example """
        print('inside endpoint')
        return {}


    return app

APP = create_app()

test code:

from fastapi.testclient import TestClient

from app import APP

client = TestClient(APP)

def test_case() -> None:
    """ test 2 requests lead to an error while 1 passes """'/')

    client.get(url='/dfhjhjkdfs')  # no matter which request you send you get the error (tried switching method/url etc)

executing the test leads to the following:

=================================================================================================================== test session starts ====================================================================================================================
platform darwin -- Python 3.9.6, pytest-6.2.5, py-1.11.0, pluggy-1.0.0 -- /Users/erezm/.local/share/virtualenvs/ec-notification-service-6WygbirR/bin/python
cachedir: .pytest_cache
rootdir: /Users/erezm/repos/ec-notification-service, configfile: pytest.ini, testpaths: .
plugins: anyio-3.5.0, pythonpath-0.7.3
collected 1 item                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

tests/feature_test/ FAILED                                                                                                                                                                                              [100%]

========================================================================================================================= FAILURES =========================================================================================================================
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ test_case _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/erezm/repos/ec-notification-service/tests/feature_test/", line 12, in test_case
  File "/Users/erezm/.local/share/virtualenvs/ec-notification-service-6WygbirR/lib/python3.9/site-packages/requests/", line 555, in get
    return self.request('GET', url, **kwargs)
  File "/Users/erezm/.local/share/virtualenvs/ec-notification-service-6WygbirR/lib/python3.9/site-packages/starlette/", line 468, in request
    return super().request(
  File "/Users/erezm/.local/share/virtualenvs/ec-notification-service-6WygbirR/lib/python3.9/site-packages/requests/", line 542, in request
    resp = self.send(prep, **send_kwargs)
  File "/Users/erezm/.local/share/virtualenvs/ec-notification-service-6WygbirR/lib/python3.9/site-packages/requests/", line 655, in send
    r = adapter.send(request, **kwargs)
  File "/Users/erezm/.local/share/virtualenvs/ec-notification-service-6WygbirR/lib/python3.9/site-packages/starlette/", line 266, in send
    raise exc
  File "/Users/erezm/.local/share/virtualenvs/ec-notification-service-6WygbirR/lib/python3.9/site-packages/starlette/", line 263, in send, scope, receive, send)
  File "/Users/erezm/.local/share/virtualenvs/ec-notification-service-6WygbirR/lib/python3.9/site-packages/anyio/", line 240, in call
    return cast(T_Retval, self.start_task_soon(func, *args).result())
  File "/Users/erezm/.pyenv/versions/3.9.6/lib/python3.9/concurrent/futures/", line 445, in result
    return self.__get_result()
  File "/Users/erezm/.pyenv/versions/3.9.6/lib/python3.9/concurrent/futures/", line 390, in __get_result
    raise self._exception
  File "/Users/erezm/.local/share/virtualenvs/ec-notification-service-6WygbirR/lib/python3.9/site-packages/anyio/", line 187, in _call_func
    retval = await retval
  File "/Users/erezm/.local/share/virtualenvs/ec-notification-service-6WygbirR/lib/python3.9/site-packages/fastapi/", line 208, in __call__
    await super().__call__(scope, receive, send)
  File "/Users/erezm/.local/share/virtualenvs/ec-notification-service-6WygbirR/lib/python3.9/site-packages/starlette/", line 112, in __call__
    await self.middleware_stack(scope, receive, send)
  File "/Users/erezm/.local/share/virtualenvs/ec-notification-service-6WygbirR/lib/python3.9/site-packages/starlette/middleware/", line 181, in __call__
    raise exc
  File "/Users/erezm/.local/share/virtualenvs/ec-notification-service-6WygbirR/lib/python3.9/site-packages/starlette/middleware/", line 159, in __call__
    await, receive, _send)
  File "/Users/erezm/.local/share/virtualenvs/ec-notification-service-6WygbirR/lib/python3.9/site-packages/starlette/middleware/", line 55, in __call__
    response = await self.dispatch_func(request, call_next)
  File "/Users/erezm/repos/ec-notification-service/src/", line 24, in __call__
    output = self._profiler.output_text(color=True)
  File "/Users/erezm/.local/share/virtualenvs/ec-notification-service-6WygbirR/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pyinstrument/", line 295, in output_text
    return self.output(
  File "/Users/erezm/.local/share/virtualenvs/ec-notification-service-6WygbirR/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pyinstrument/", line 323, in output
    return renderer.render(session)
  File "/Users/erezm/.local/share/virtualenvs/ec-notification-service-6WygbirR/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pyinstrument/renderers/", line 34, in render
    frame = self.preprocess(session.root_frame())
  File "/Users/erezm/.local/share/virtualenvs/ec-notification-service-6WygbirR/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pyinstrument/", line 145, in root_frame
    assert root_frame is None, ASSERTION_MESSAGE
AssertionError: Please raise an issue at and let me know how you caused this error!
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Captured stdout call -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
inside endpoint

  _     ._   __/__   _ _  _  _ _/_   Recorded: 19:21:02  Samples:  15
 /_//_/// /_\ / //_// / //_'/ //     Duration: 0.002     CPU time: 0.002
/   _/                      v4.1.1

Program: /Users/erezm/.local/share/virtualenvs/ec-notification-service-6WygbirR/bin/pytest -k test_app_routes -vv

0.002 run_forever  asyncio/
|- 0.001 _run_once  asyncio/
|     [49 frames hidden]  asyncio, starlette, fastapi, anyio, t...
|        0.000 __call__  starlette/middleware/
|        `- 0.000 __call__
|           `- 0.000 stop  pyinstrument/
|                 [3 frames hidden]  pyinstrument
`- 0.000 [self]  

=================================================================================================================== slowest 5 durations ====================================================================================================================
0.07s call     tests/feature_test/
0.00s setup    tests/feature_test/
0.00s teardown tests/feature_test/
================================================================================================================= short test summary info ==================================================================================================================
FAILED tests/feature_test/ - AssertionError: Please raise an issue at and let me know how you caused this error!
==================================================================================================================== 1 failed in 0.32s =====================================================================================================================

note that the test passes if a single request is issued.

my environment:

Package            Version
------------------ ---------
anyio              3.5.0
asgiref            3.4.1
astroid            2.8.6
attrs              21.4.0
certifi            2021.10.8
charset-normalizer 2.0.10
click              8.0.3
fastapi            0.70.0
gunicorn           20.0.4
h11                0.12.0
idna               3.3
iniconfig          1.1.1
isort              5.10.1
lazy-object-proxy  1.7.1
mccabe             0.6.1
ntplib             0.4.0
packaging          21.3
pip                21.3.1
platformdirs       2.4.1
pluggy             1.0.0
prometheus-client  0.11.0
py                 1.11.0
pydantic           1.9.0
pyinstrument       4.1.1
pylint             2.11.1
pyparsing          3.0.6
pytest             6.2.5
pytest-pythonpath  0.7.3
python-multipart   0.0.5
redis              3.5.3
requests           2.26.0
setuptools         59.8.0
six                1.16.0
sniffio            1.2.0
starlette          0.16.0
starlette-exporter 0.8.2
texel-common       0.8.12
texel-logging      0.1.3
toml               0.10.2
typing_extensions  4.0.1
urllib3            1.26.8
uvicorn            0.15.0
wheel              0.37.1
wrapt              1.13.3
  • running on macOS 12.1 (though it reproduced on ubuntu machines as well)

inspecting with pdb shows that indeed there are multiple root frames:

(Pdb) set(frame_tuple[0][0] for frame_tuple in self.frame_records)
{'ThreadPoolExecutor-1_0\x00<thread>\x00123145414610944', 'ThreadPoolExecutor-0_0\x00<thread>\x00123145414610944'}

this I assume is because of fastapi's thread pool.

am I misusing the framework?

Hi @erez-marmor, thanks for filing this will full repro details, I was able to reproduce the error locally.

Your middleware isn't correct, because of how starlette/fastapi uses threads. The profiler object in your Middleware is shared between two threads, so you can run into a situation where the profiler is started in one thread and stopped in another, or where it is profiling multiple threads at once.

I changed the middleware to this and it works:

class ProfilingMiddleware:
    """ middleware that profiles request """
    def __init__(self, profiler_interval: float = 0.0001, ):
        self.profiler_interval = profiler_interval

    async def __call__(self, request: Request, call_next: Callable) -> Response:
        """ profile request """
        profiler = Profiler(interval=self.profiler_interval)
            response = await call_next(request)
            output = profiler.output_text(color=True)
        return response

But I should probably add in some runtime warnings about this, or perhaps improve this error message. Although in the past I have come across cases where users are calling Profiler from multiple threads deliberately!

@joerick , thanks for the speedy reply!

ideally, I would expect the profiler instance to be created only once instead of per request (right now it's not a problem since the profiler object is lightweight, but that might change in the future).

IMO it would be better to add a flag controlling whether or not to raise an exception (raise by default) - most naive users won't notice a runtime warning and indeed calling the profiler from multiple threads should be done mindfully ("explicit better than implicit").

for the meanwhile, I'll change the middleware on my end

ideally, I would expect the profiler instance to be created only once instead of per request (right now it's not a problem since the profiler object is lightweight, but that might change in the future).

The profiler isn't heavy, as you say, but also it isn't intended to be reused (without a call to reset()). In fact, you can call start(), stop(), start(), stop() and it's still appending to the same session. So in this example, you'd get bad data by using it in this way.

IMO it would be better to add a flag controlling whether or not to raise an exception (raise by default) - most naive users won't notice a runtime warning and indeed calling the profiler from multiple threads should be done mindfully ("explicit better than implicit").

you're probably right, exception would be better

The profiler isn't heavy, as you say, but also it isn't intended to be reused (without a call to reset()). In fact, you can call start(), stop(), start(), stop() and it's still appending to the same session. So in this example, you'd get bad data by using it in this way.

actually, I thought it was a feature :) (aggregating results from multiple requests helps identifying hotspots in the code)

Yes, it is :) but keeping the same profiler between requests is going to aggregate those timings together. Although, maybe you wanted that?

since it's a statistical profiler I think aggregating results has its merits:
consider 2 endpoints using the same utility function ; in the call graph you'll see both branches and the time spent in each function will correctly identify the utility as a hotspot.

trying to eat the cake and having it too, we would be able to come up with a solution to support both one-off and aggregated results modes

@joerick , it occurred to me that if I would make the changes you suggested to the middleware (or using reset()) and at the same time aggregate the session data in an independent Session object, getting both per-request and aggregated results is possible.

the only problem is that combining session data with multiple root frames won't be possible (I assume) with the current code - is there a way around this?

Yes, Session.combine() should be able to handle the combination. As for the multiple root frames, it feels like we could probably refactor to remove this limitation now. The simplest way would be to insert an extra parent synthetic root frame if multiple roots are found.

@joerick , following your advice I changed the middleware to be:

class ProfilingMiddleware:
    """ middleware that profiles request """

    def __init__(self, profiler_interval: float = 0.0001, ):
        self._profiler = Profiler(interval=profiler_interval)
        self._renderer_speedscope = SpeedscopeRenderer()
        self._aggregated: Session

    async def __call__(self, request: Request, call_next: Callable) -> Response:
        """ profile request """
            response = await call_next(request)
            last_session = self._profiler.stop()
            output = self._profiler.output_text(color=True)
                self._aggregated = self._aggregated.combine(self._aggregated, last_session)
            except AttributeError:
                self._aggregated = last_session
        return response

    def render_speed_scope(self) -> str:
        """ hook for speedscope format output """
        return self._renderer_speedscope.render(self._aggregated)

allowing for both aggregated and per-request stats.

  1. self._aggregated = self._aggregated.combine(self._aggregated, last_session) is an awkward syntax. IMO we should implement __add__ & __iadd__ for Session.
  2. having a dummy Session object would allow for a much cleaner construct (instead of try-except or the likes), ending up with:
self._aggregated: Session = create_dummy_session()
self._aggregated += last_session

do you think you'll have the time to fix it?

This is fixed in v4.4.0.