
pyinstrument is very slow on django tests with docker

patroqueeet opened this issue · 8 comments


I'm trying to use pyinstrument on docker with a django test setup. When I run the command like this ./ test --keepdb -v 3 I get something like

240.152 <module>
└─ 239.407 execute_from_command_line  django/core/management/
      [23227 frames hidden]  django, django_nose, nose, unittest, ...
         48.646 patched  mock/
         └─ 48.625 test_add_company  services/rest/tests/
            ├─ 21.667 post  rest_framework/
            │     [770 frames hidden]  rest_framework, django, reversion, se...
            │        21.055 inner  django/core/handlers/
            │        └─ 21.055 __call__  company/
            │           └─ 21.036 inner  django/core/handlers/
            │              └─ 21.036 __call__  project/
            │                 └─ 21.036 inner  django/core/handlers/
            │                       [106 frames hidden]  django, rest_framework, re, sre_compi...
            │                          20.995 dispatch  rest_framework/
            │                          └─ 20.982 post  services/rest/
            │                             └─ 20.851 save  rest_framework/
            │                                └─ 20.851 create  services/rest/
            │                                   ├─ 9.561 __get__  django/db/models/fields/
            │                                   │     [72 frames hidden]  django, raven, weakref
            │                                   ├─ 6.187 now  django/utils/
            │                                   │     [2 frames hidden]  django
            │                                   └─ 4.289 [self]
            ├─ 19.563 reverse  django/urls/
            │     [718 frames hidden]  django, re, sre_compile, sre_parse, e...
            │        4.988 import_module  importlib/
            │        └─ 4.972 <module>  project/
            └─ 7.285 generate  project/
               └─ 7.281 _make_user  project/
                  ├─ 3.613 _make_username  project/
                  │  └─ 3.612 _make_wordlist  project/
                  │     └─ 3.612 <listcomp>  project/
                  │        └─ 3.602 [self]
                  └─ 3.368 _make_wordlist  project/
                     └─ 3.368 <listcomp>  project/
                        └─ 3.344 [self]
         9.312 load_source
         └─ 9.291 <module>  services/rest/tests/
            └─ 4.866 <module>  services/rest/
               └─ 3.759 <module>  dictdiffer/
                     [327 frames hidden]  dictdiffer, pkg_resources, re, posixp...
         40.742 import_module  importlib/
         ├─ 28.759 <module>  shareholder/
         │  ├─ 22.735 UserProfile  shareholder/
         │  │  └─ 22.726 __init__  django_languages/
         │  │        [11 frames hidden]  django_languages, django
         │  └─ 2.528 <module>  utils/
         │     └─ 2.511 <module>  xhtml2pdf/
         │           [1405 frames hidden]  xhtml2pdf, reportlab, re, sre_compile...
         47.142 import_module  importlib/
         └─ 47.118 <module>  project/
            ├─ 39.173 <module>  project/
            │  ├─ 25.066 <module>  registration/
            │  │     [26 frames hidden]  registration, django, importlib, path...
            │  │        25.032 import_module  importlib/
            │  │        └─ 24.990 <module>  project/settings/
            │  │           └─ 24.953 <module>  project/settings/
            │  │              ├─ 19.513 <module>  project/settings/
            │  │              │  └─ 19.512 stack
            │  │              │        [278 frames hidden]  inspect, posixpath, genericpath, cele...
            │  │              └─ 4.018 <module>  raven/
            │  │                    [951 frames hidden]  raven, requests, urllib3, re, sre_com...
            │  ├─ 8.870 <module>  services/
            │  │  └─ 8.728 register_task  celery/app/
            │  │        [319 frames hidden]  celery, kombu, collections, logging, ...
            │  │           8.552 send  celery/utils/dispatch/
            │  │           └─ 8.550 setup_periodic_tasks  project/
            │  │              └─ 8.360 <module>  company/
            │  │                 └─ 6.836 <module>  bs4/
            │  │                       [3025 frames hidden]  bs4, soupsieve, re, sre_compile, sre_...
            │  └─ 5.143 <module>  django/contrib/auth/
            │        [2516 frames hidden]  django, pathlib, re, sre_compile, sre...
            └─ 7.762 <module>  project/
               └─ 6.292 <module>  celery/
                     [1914 frames hidden]  celery, kombu, importlib_metadata, re...

where even now takes 6s. Without pyinstrument this test takes about ~30s and I need to find out why...

What other information do you need from my side?

Hi @patroqueeet, how are you invoking pyinstrument?

sry for the slight delay :/

in docker I do docker-compose exec app pyinstrument ./ test --keepdb -v 3./ test --keepdb services -e functional -v 2 --failed

Generally spoken: intention is to identify what slows down my tests... including setUp() etc.

Not sure what's going on here tbh... my tests in Docker seem to work just as normal. Are you able to make a minimal recreation?

@joerick sure. will go and make a docker image for you to reproduce...

Hey, tried with a simple model test on docker and found all working as expected. But the problems come on a large Py3 project.

Hence, closing this until I have some further reproducible truth.

Still: for the records more people having this issue...

Thanks for taking another look! If the problem occurs in cProfile too, it's probably at a lower level than we can fix.

A wild guess at the cause would have me thinking about the gettimeofday syscall in pyinstrument_cext - perhaps this is slower in some Docker containers. This article might add some weight to the idea...

I had a thought on this - pyinstrument_cext could add a feature where, rather than calling gettimeofday on every trace event, it checks an internal variable that's being incremented by a thread who is running in a tight loop doing usleep. Perhaps this would be worse performance for systems with vDSO, but it would definitely improve things otherwise...

hey, to be honest, I cannot judge if your wild guess is going in the right direction. if you provide me a branch/PR I can check it out and give you some feedback.