
[DEPRECATED] I'm continuing to develop this package in my fork

m93a opened this issue · 1 comments

m93a commented

Apparently, @joewalnes lost his interest in this package, and since I'm the only one reacting to issues here for some time now, I decided to continue the development on my fork of Filtrex. If you have any suggestions, ideas or questions, feel free to start an issue there.

I also started a dispute in order to aquire the NPM package filtrex, so that I'd be able to update it. Since then, you can use my package @m93a/filtrex which is up to date and includes several cool features and security fixes.

m93a commented

It's live! 🎉
After five years, a new version landed on NPM. Big thanks to @alexgorbatchev for giving me write access! Even though I bumped the major version, almost everything should be backwards-compatible. If you encounter any problems, let me know on my fork!