
Not deploying on Azure DB through azure-devops while using Key vault string instead of db connection string

raochandansingh opened this issue · 2 comments

Hi Johan,

Hope you are doing well.

There is Azure SQL db where I want to deploy the sql deployment scripts using DB Up task through azure-DevOps. But for security reasons, I have stored the DB connection string in Key Vault instead of giving it directly in DB Up the task and using key vault string in the section as per below

But I am getting the below error, Just wanted to confirm like can we go this way or we have to provide a connection string in the section?


If you are asking if it should be possible to use Azure DevOps secrets as input for the connection string, then yes.

But Azure DevOps does not fail the pipeline if it does not recognize a variable. Can you confirm by other means that the variable does indeed hold the connection string?

Closing due to inactivity. Please open if this is still an issue.