
get stuck at processing files within the mounted torrent around the size of 2,147 GB

lucendio opened this issue · 11 comments

OS: 14.03 LTS 64bit

I am using btfs to mount torrents in order to copy some containing files into my host fs.

I tested copying with shell (cp) or GUI (file explorer). The shell doesnt return, the progress dialog can be closed but unmounting does not work: fusermount -u results in failed to unmount, Device or resource budy. I have to kill the process first. HDD space is definitely not the issue here.
I tried different torrents. I coundnt find any --verbose flag to get you with more info, sorry.

You could pass -d to it for debugging info. In addition, what does the log file contain?

-d shows nothing abnormal at the point where suddenly everything stops. the last one is an handle_piece_finished_alert: 4112. where do I find the log file of btfs?

It should be in a folder like btfs-EE7bUi or something.

Sounds like an overflow error somewhere. 2.147 GB is about the max size of a 32 bit signed integer.

Good point - I totally forgot that. I'll start looking for possible causes.

Looks like we'll need should switch to off_t for all offsets, that is forced to be a 64 bit unsigned integer on 64 bit systems by FUSE headers.

I'm not quite sure how to do this, I don't have a good understanding of the codebase. If someone else wants to take over, please do.

Yeah, I'll take over. To me it looks like the offset parameter to the Read constructor is the culpit.

I just didn't know if there was anything else that needed changed, and I don't have a >2.1 GB torrent on hand.

I ll check the next release. and re-open if anything might still broken. thanks for your help!

works like charm. many thx!