
Raspberry Pi 4B does not boot Debian Testing

Opened this issue · 4 comments

I have installed to an sd card and a USB drive and neither will boot. Both boot to the rainbow screen and will not continue. Power supply is more than adequate, used different storage medias, tried both hdmi ports, etc. I cannot provide logs because no logs are being generated. I don't even know if it is loading anything from the media, I'm not too familiar with rpi boot process. Ethernet does not request IP address either, so I know that it's not the hdmi not working, it's not even booting the kernel. I had this problem like 6 months ago with these builds but I just thought my sd card was bad or something so I didn't try any further. Today I spent a considerable amount of time working on this and have concluded it is these images, not my storage media. Raspbian installs and boots just fine.

I have also encountered this when trying the images in recent months, and not known how to report it. I've usually reverted to using the Debian-provided Tested Images as a fallback.

Do you have any logs?

Looking through my notes, I discovered my first experience with this was back in May. As noted in the original report, it seems to simply freeze at the RPi "rainbow square" screen.