
This is a Seinfeld Calendar I made in Golang.

Primary LanguageGo

Seinfeld Calendar

URL: https://seinfeldcalendar.herokuapp.com/pdf (to change start date add ?start=2021-01-01)

This is a Seinfeld Calendar I made. I made my own version in Golang. It produces a PDF using the draw2d library.

It has 2 improvements I wanted that I couldn't find on the web:

  • ability to set start date yourself (ie. day 1 = Aug 2 2021)
  • include weekday, day of the month, and name of month

Here's another good article explaining Seinfeld Calendars.

It uses the Inter font family.

How to run

open http://localhost:3000/pdf

Example output

Here's a PDF example.

Generate fonts

To generate fonts to use with draw2d and gofpdf:

cd gofpdf/makefont/
go build
./makefont \
  --embed \
  --enc=../font/iso-8859-1.map \
  --dst=~/seinfeld-calendar/resource/font/ \
  "~/Inter-3.19/Inter Hinted for Windows/Desktop/Inter-Bold.ttf"

That will generate a .json and .z file. Take those files and the .ttf file, add the appropriate suffix to the filenames (for example "sr") and put them in the resource/font/ folder.