
This repository contains data that were gathered or produced as part of a work concerning automated question generation.


ForwardQuestions Dataset

Content of the directories and files

  • mapping.json : this file contains a mapping between DBPedia predicates and Wikidata predicates. The key is the DBPedia predicate and the value represents the code that corresponds to the Wikidata equivalent predicate. A part of them are were already mapped and are available through a SparQL requests, but all the predicates from "nationality": "P495" were manually mapped.
  • questions : this directory contains several files with questions that were automatically generated on a specific topic. The name of each file is the topic of the questions. All the questions were generated from templates build from questions sets that were provided by SimpleQuestionsWikidata (https://github.com/askplatypus/wikidata-simplequestions) and SimpleDBPediaQA (https://github.com/castorini/SimpleDBpediaQA).
  • all_questions : this file contains a collection of the distinct questions from both SimpleQuestionsWikidata and SimpleDBPediaQA. Each entry contains:
    • The question as proposed in the original file
    • The question with its subject replaced by a placeholder
    • The extracted subject of the question
    • The Wikidata code of the subject as proposed in the original file or mapped from the DBPedia subject
    • The extracted predicate of the question
    • The Wikidata code of the predicate as proposed in the original file or mapped from the DBPedia predicate
    • The extracted object of the question (if the question come from the SimpleQuestionsWikidata set, as the object of the question is not specified in the SimpleDBPediaQA set)
    • The Wikidata code of the object as proposed in the original file (if the question come from the SimpleQuestionsWikidata set)
  • predicates_distribution.pdf : this file contains all the different predicates that can be found in the dataset, ordered by frequency