
Success Validation shows before field has had focus

Closed this issue · 3 comments

The green checkmark shows right away on a field that does not have validation constraints e.g. is not required. I would say that it should follow the same rules as error messages and not show until the form is submitted, or has received focus

Thank you for reporting! I'm not able to reproduce this behavior however. Fields without any validation rules don't show any success-mark for me (check out the plunkr). Would be really nice if you could provide a plunkr.

You should also be able to adjust the default behavior by editing the validation template, if the default config doesn't fit your taste.

Interesting. Its bed time here, but maybe its something with my setup. I'll try to reproduce this and post back here.

It appears to apply to input[type="url"]. Edit your demo site plunkr as follows and you will see it.

<div class="form-group">
                <label>non required</label>
                <input type="url"