
Somehow it is possible to drag&copy images in content nodes

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Jira issue originally created by user thomas:

A few days ago I stumbled upon a problem where it is possible to drag an embedded image in a text and copy it in the process. The image is of course not really copied since there is only one image property (In my example at least).

Eventhough the image is not really copied, the text content is altered by the action. The whole thing is hard to explain, so I made a video. Here is the link to it:*=cd_ph_share_link*copy

The video was made on a fresh install of the most recent released Neos version with the corresponding demo site. No alteration of the code whatsoever.

Best wishes,


Comment created by @johannessteu:

Hey [~thomas],

as you mentioned this looks like a rendering bug inside the browser. There is only one image property on that node so it is not possible to duplicate the image within that node. So the actually result after publishing is correct. The drag& drop should not be possible!

Comment created by thomas:

Well, the result is not exactly correct. Technically yes, but as I wrote, the textual content is screwed up because there will be linebreaks where you the images are rendered.