Contains the sample code and presentation from the DrupalCamp Vancouver 2012
- Download the latest Drupal version to your document root
drush dl drupal
- Change into the newly created directory and do a Drush standard site install (drush si --help for more info)
drush si standard --db-url=mysql://root:root@localhost:3306/d7_standard --db-su=root --db-su-pw=root --site-name="Drupal 7 standard" --account-name=admin --account-pass=admin
- Create the custom module folder sites/all/modules/custom and go there
mkdir sites/all/modules/custom cd sites/all/modules/custom
- Clone the example module in that director with git
git clone git://
- Enable the module through the browser (login: admin/admin) or with Drush
drush en dcv_example