
mLastMotionY not correctly set

jinshiyi11 opened this issue · 2 comments

mLastMotionY is set when PullToRefreshListView receive MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN event in onTouchEvent function.If pull start from child view,the ACTION_DOWN is consumed by child view and PullToRefreshListView can not receive ACTION_DOWN event.
There are space between my listview item,if i touch down at the space ,mLastMotionY is set correctly.But if i pull start from child view, PullToRefreshListView can not receive ACTION_DOWN event,so mLastMotionY is not correctly set.

Hi thanks for the report. Do you have a fix for this running in a fork? Would love to see a pull request for this.

I'm having the same issue... Seems like this is from a few months ago. Is this library deprecated or still active?