
CI/CD integration

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Okay, let's use Azure Pipelines for CI and CD.
A good typical config is to run only tests on certain branches and on PR. What I did so far for CD is when I tag a new release with release_X_X_X, Azure pulls the stuff, builds, runs the tests, and if succesfull launches a deployment task to PyPi. Documentation is on It needs a connector to your repo. The steps are kinda like that:

  • - Create accounts on Azure Pipelines, PyPi and readthedocs
  • - set up readthedocs to build your docs and test
  • - set up Azure Pipelines to build and test your commits
  • - set up PyPi connector in Deployment tasks on Azure Pipelines

Henrii's stuff really helps. There are a few peculiar issues with Deployment tasks. PM me when you're doing this.