Browser automation framework written in pure JavaScript using official selenium-webdriver and cucumber-js
- 11
- 1
while installing, show ChromeDriver installation failed Error with http request:
#34 opened by Kilims - 5
Custom driver configurations
#36 opened by Temi89 - 6
Having two features fail to run
#40 opened by rudovjan - 15
- 6
Cannot run tests
#33 opened by VeraShevelyova - 1
New version does not install all dependencies
#41 opened by rudovjan - 0
Add screenshot/comment into test report
#39 opened by clearstep1 - 2
- 1
- 2
timeOut option no longer respected?
#28 opened by bricas - 5
hook for creating a driver
#17 opened by leggebroten - 0
- 1
- 2
- 4
"--no-colors" OR generic cucumber options
#16 opened by bricas - 5
- 2
chromedriver is out of date
#14 opened by leggebroten - 4
Cucumber 2.x
#11 opened by bricas - 2
Phantonjs doesn't work correct with Ajax
#7 opened by gnovitskaya - 1
Before/After handlers
#10 opened by moogjet - 1
suggestion: to improve the project
#9 opened by rrfaria - 2
- 0
Unable to initiate tests on edge
#5 opened by guptarajatkn - 3
- 2
How do i execute a single specific .feature file using selenium-cucumber-js
#2 opened by guptarajatkn - 3
Reports folder is missing
#1 opened by larryg01