0.2 release
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john-sandall commented
Focus for 0.2 will be to bring in some more Python best practices. Feeling quite inspired after catching up with Cheuk, there's a lot of things going on in picknmix that are really nice.
- #31: Add 2019 UK GE results
- #12: Add docs
- #11: Consider adding CLI functionality
- Use Cookiecutter & cookiecutter-pypackage.
- Add CI.
- Add badges for pypi version, build and docs status. (And more?)
- Use http://editorconfig.org
- Add Makefile
- Add requirements.txt as well as Pipfiles (stick with Pipenv or switch back to pip-tools?)
- Add setup.cfg
- Run tests with tox if haven't done so yet
- Version datasets and integrate this into caching spec.