
Set up instructions do not work/incomplete for windows

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Sorry, I'm not a c++ person!

Anyway, the instructions for setting up SFML do not work for this project. If I git clone this project into a folder and open that folder in Visual Studio 2019, there is no project settings option in the project menu. The SFML set up instructions rely upon changing these settings. There is a cmake setting menu option but the install instructions in this project do not explain how to apply SFML to this project.

Without this set up, trying to run a build gives this:


I have located SFMLConfig.cmake and set SFML_DIR to hold that file's parent directory. However the same error continues to occur.



Also, the SFML_DIR variable keeps reseting. Am I not saving it properly? I'm using ctrl-s. But say I click on'edit JSON' and then come back then SFML-DIR reverts to SFML_DIR-NOTFOUND

I have also redone the cmake instructions in the readme and added SFML-DIR directly there. It's kind of strange that the isntructions show an error.

Also, what does the last step mean:

"You can now open the generated project and build it."

There is no play button, and f5 does not do anything.

Open CMakeLists.txt.

In the end I moved the SFML folder inside the project and added this line below the "Detect and add SFML comment":

set(SFML_DIR "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/SFML-2.5.1-windows-vc15-64-bit/SFML-2.5.1/lib/cmake/SFML")


You log out cmake variables to the output window with a message command. EG:


It also appears that there are no build outputs like executables. Once all the cmake and SFML is sorted just hit F5 for a debug version.