
Random Number Generator does not work

marcoperic opened this issue · 4 comments


It seems like RNG<> does not generate random numbers in succession. Even after restarting my instance, I still get the same number.

Thank you for the report, I will look into this

Can you provide a minimal code showing how you are using it ?

Can you provide a minimal code showing how you are using it ?

I borrowed some of your code from the color_picker.hpp class and got similar results.
RNGf::getUnder(255.0f) , after running in main() as a test, returned the same value across different instances, 192.88.
I am accessing RNG<> via #include "common/number_generator.hpp"

I just saw that you called RNG::initialize() in main()... I never did this. Would this be the cause of my problem?


This initialize is a new addition to ensure that the static attribute of the RNG object is correctly created before any use but I am not sure this will solve the issue you have. I will do some tests this afternoon