
Heroku app wrapper for newrelic_postgres_plugin. Send metrics from your Heroku Postgres instances to the NewRelic Platform.

Primary LanguageRuby

Heroku Postgres Monitor

A simple Heroku app wrapper for newrelic_postgres_plugin. Send metrics from your Heroku Postgres instances to the NewRelic Platform.



Step 1:

Clone this repo and setup a new heroku application:

git clone git@github.com:GoBoundless/heroku_postgres_monitor.git
cd heroku_postgres_monitor
heroku create

Step 2:

Copy config vars from your app into the monitor app:

heroku config:set $(heroku config --shell --app other-app-name | egrep 'NEW_RELIC_LICENSE_KEY|postgres://')

Feel free to add as many Heroku Postgres instance URLs as you wish. You will need to run this command again after scaling or adding any databases.

Step 3:

Deploy to Heroku

git push heroku master
heroku ps:scale worker=1 web=0

Done! You should start to see data coming into your NewRelic dashboard as soon as the deploy is finished.