
Conflict with new_user_dialog plugin and automatic_addressbook plugin

nidelius opened this issue · 3 comments

There is conflict if just adding the two address plugins at the same time I can not see adresses in the auto adressbook anymore.. With the new_user_dialog it seems like if I have it enabled it thinks that you are signed in as another user.. the "everyone" user used for the global addressbook

running both address book plugins works without problem for me.

placing globaladdressbook before new_user_dialog in the plugin array in the config file appears to solve the problem with new_user_dialog. please try it.

ok cool. I tried to put the new_user_dialog after as you suggested and it seems to work fine. Although I still have an issue with using both the addressbook plugins at the same time. As I enable the globaladdressbook plugin the contacts from the autoadressbook disapears. I have tried to put in the globaladdressbook from scratch again and changing the username. Do you have any tips on how to debug?

try looking at what happens in the get_address_book() function in my plugin and what ever function is attached to the get_address_book hook in the automatic_addressbook plugin