
Poster with Preload Auto broken

Opened this issue · 5 comments

This has been a bug that is stopping me from using mediaelement for many months now.

The poster and preload work as expected when HTML5 is used, but in the Flash fallback, the video loads, then it shifts to play (the poster is removed and the play button changes to a pause button) but the video does not play. User would then have to click pause, then again on play, to actually get it to start playing.

Any solution or work around to make poster with preload work with the flash fallback?

If you set to preload="none" you should see the desired behavior.

I want it to preload though :(

Mediaelement seems great, but I'm having the same bug, which makes it pretty much unusable, since it appears the two options for the Flash fallback are:

"preload: none" results in a black screen.
"prelaod: auto" or "preload: metadata" results in this bug with the poster removed and play button changed to pause.

Any chance that this will get fixed?

I third that

This is fixed in the latest code. Look for it in 2.4.1